Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work.

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Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work. by Mind Map: Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work.

1. Yes, the family always suffers when women go to work

1.1. Women are often left with most of the responsibilities with the children and household chores. When they go to work, these responsibilities are not taken care of.

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Children become distant from their mothers because of domestic helpers taking over the duties of the mothers

2. STAND: No, the family does not always suffer when women go to work

2.1. Shared responsibility between husband and wife

2.1.1. main idea is that there is one less person to take care of the family (i.e. children), so it does not matter whether it is the father or the mother.

2.2. Does not apply to single-parent families where there's only a father

2.2.1. Some mothers could have passed away at child birth Family might suffer with only one parent in the family - psychologically and financially. Hence family could also suffer without a mother altogether

2.3. Women can work from home. Will not compromise time with family.

2.3.1. With the choice to work from home, women can work and also be more involved in her children's lives Family may not necessarily suffer because the mother is at work

3. Completed by: Alwyn Yong, Soh Ming Lun, Joan Khng, Goh Xun Yi, Teo En Quan