In what ways does flipped learning contribute to student’s interaction and group work in A1studen...

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In what ways does flipped learning contribute to student’s interaction and group work in A1students at UNIMINUTO? by Mind Map: In what ways does flipped learning contribute to student’s interaction and group work in A1students at UNIMINUTO?

1. student's Interaction

2. group work

3. Flipped Learning

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. According to Leis, A. and Mehring, J. (2018), it is about students working independently to improve their knowledge, intercommunication for group work, constructivist learning, teacher guidance and student participation in their progress.

3.2. Types

3.2.1. Social constructivism theory Segun Vygotsky, 1981 ( citado en Leis., A. and Mehring., J. 2018) which states that knowledge is constructed by interacting with others within the theory of constructivism. And then there is Seymour Papert (1980) with internalization, which refers to activities to take new knowledge and the student's appropriation of it.

3.2.2. group collaboration According to Baker, (2000) and Lage, Platt and Treglia, (2000) having face-to-face conversations between students and teachers can benefit both groups for the learning experience.

4. Margie Espitia Vargas ID: 702270- NRC: 16678