Primary Roles of Value Creating Roles - Efficiency

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Primary Roles of Value Creating Roles - Efficiency by Mind Map: Primary Roles of Value Creating Roles - Efficiency

1. Reduces co-ordination costs by using information systems

2. Marketing

2.1. Conducts an agressive marketing strategy to drive down the experience curve

2.2. Builds brand loyalty by reducing customer defection to competition

3. Materials Management

3.1. Inplements Just in Time systems

3.2. Implements SCM co-ordination

4. Information Systems

4.1. Automates processes using information systems

5. Research & Development

5.1. Designs easy to manufacture products

5.2. Improves processes

5.2.1. Improves the design of better quality products

6. Infrastructure

6.1. Ensures the company commits to efficiency

6.2. Facilitates co-operation between all the functions

6.3. Encourages inputs from all levels

6.4. Sets the Performance targets and incentives to be achieved

7. Production

7.1. Increases production by reducing cost per unit

7.2. Uses specialised equipment, systems and human resources leading to greater efficiency

7.3. Implement incentives and employee recognition

8. Human Resources

8.1. Purchasing of bulk raw materials used in production

8.2. Provides the necessary training programmes to build on and improve skills of employees

8.3. Implement self-managing teams