Theoretical Perspectives Useful in the Assisting Children with the Acquisition of Languageby Tracy Medellin
1. Interactionist Perspective
1.1. According to the text, the Interactionist perspective “focus is on the primary role of socialcultural interaction in children’s development of language acquisition” (p. 33). Therefore, a child’s acquisition of language is due to a “natural” response resulting from an internal desire to interact with the world around them. The Interactionist theory meticulously associates with early childhood education theorist Lev Vygotsky who “emphasized the role of social interaction in language development” (p. 33). Social interactions provide children with opportunities to gain cognitive knowledge and engage with society. The educator will facilitate the opportunities for social interactions that will allow children the opportunity to develop and display communication skills.
1.2. Theorist: Vygotsky, Bruner, and Halliday
2. Cognitive Developmentalist Perspective
2.1. According to the text, the Cognitive Developmental Perspective emphasizes the perception language is acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop” (p. 30) as natural as a child grows and develops. As a child grows, his or her cognitive development increases and therefore language development and ability also strengthen. According to the language development expert, “because the cognitive developmentalist perspective focuses on the development of schemata and the manipulation of symbols, it contributes to our understanding of how semantic, syntactic, and morphemic knowledge are acquired” (p. 31). Therefore, in accordance with the cognitive developmental perspective a child’s language development develops and increases as a child makes creates connections between “signs and symbols” in relation to “objects and actions” (p. 30).
2.2. Theorist: Piaget
3. Nativist Perspective
3.1. According to the text, the Nativist Perspective “emphasizes inborn or innate capabilities as being responsible for language development” (p. 27). Once a child develops an understanding for language, he or she is able to apply the knowledge to their use of language. According to language development expert Otto, “linguistic features, the development, and use of language in all cultures are universal” (p. 29). Children will develop their language through a process of trial and error, according to the expert “in a sense children teach themselves language” (p. 29).
3.2. Theorist: Chomsky, Pinker
4. Behaviorist Perspective
4.1. According to the text, “the behaviorist perspective emphasizes the role of nurture and considers learning to occur based on stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment” (Otto, 2010, p. 31). Through being provided a developmentally appropriate example children can respond to and therefore provide “reinforcement of verbal and non-verbal responses to language directed at him is responsible for the language learning that occurs” (p. 31). If a child is attentively observing and conscientiously listening the will develop the ability to imitate or approximate speech patterns. Therefore, the language acquisition according to an individual who associates with the behaviorist perspective would associate a child’s language acquisition to imitated behavior in response to an environmental stimuli or factor.
4.2. Theorist: Skinner
5. Reference Otto, B. (2010). Language Development in Early Childhood (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill