13 Incredible & Proven Methods to Improve English Communication

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13 Incredible & Proven Methods to Improve English Communication by Mind Map: 13 Incredible & Proven  Methods to Improve  English Communication

1. 1

1.1. Think in English

1.1.1. 2

2. 2

2.1. Self talking using positive affirmations

3. 3

3.1. Mirror talks with Self confidence formula

4. 4

4.1. Focus on your tone & fluency vs. Grammar

5. 5

5.1. Tongue Twisters

5.1.1. I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late

5.1.2. She sells seashells by the seashore

5.1.3. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

5.1.4. So, this is the sushi chef

6. 6

6.1. Listen to English Podcasts

6.1.1. Search for Podcasts inside Spotify or Apple Podcast, Castbox, Soundcloud etc..

6.1.2. Motivational Podcast

6.1.3. English communication

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7.1. Talk to young English medium kids

8. 8

8.1. Sing aloud English songs from YouTube with subtitles

9. 9

9.1. Learn different word forms from a single word

9.1.1. Present tense, past, future

9.1.2. See, saw, seen

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10.1. Learn the slang phrases

10.1.1. Hey, what’s up with you?

10.1.2. Whats up man?

11. 11

11.1. Practice your daily most used sentences

11.1.1. Good morning, a very good morning

11.1.2. How are you, how are you doing?

11.1.3. What’s up with you?

11.1.4. Let’s do lunch together

11.1.5. Let’s have breakfast together

11.1.6. Let’s plan a vacation in the next month

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12.1. Practice casual conversations of get together

12.1.1. How did you get to know each other

12.1.2. Where did you get that sofa

12.1.3. What do you do

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13.1. Watch cartoons, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar etc with English subtitles

13.1.1. White collar

13.1.2. Quantico

13.1.3. Shooter

13.1.4. Castle

13.1.5. Blacklist

14. Try To Make Video on Social Platform like You Tube

15. Thanks