COVID19: A Sustainable Exit Strategy: Managing Uncertainty, Minimising Harm

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COVID19: A Sustainable Exit Strategy: Managing Uncertainty, Minimising Harm by Mind Map: COVID19: A Sustainable Exit Strategy: Managing Uncertainty, Minimising Harm

1. Testing is important in order to trace transmition.

2. The virus change that's why in Ireland is much wider spread than in China.

3. Mass testing is essencial but this could have some challenges.

4. Wearing mask reduced infection rate.

5. Use mask in public planes like public transports, shops and town centres.

6. Not all the countries are able to make or procure sufficient masks.

7. Goverments should expand testing.

8. Services could reopen with restricted opening hours.

9. In Spain the 26 of March had 8K cases.

10. Confinement should remain for vulnerable groups when the desealation go better.

11. Exit should be gradual, with some months between each step.

12. 1º step: The light blue colour is "supression" (measures are being put into reserve).

13. 2º step: The green colour is containment (testing capacity is limited, while tracing plans appear to be at an early stage in most countries.

14. 3º step: The pink colour is shielding (shielding of vulnerable groups is mostly through soft.

15. Most countries are poised to re-enter lockdown if R rises.

16. Criteria for releasing restrictions are the decreased spread of Covid-19 and sufficient hospital capacity.

17. Simple homemade cloth mask provide some protections.