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Law of Tort by Mind Map: Law of Tort

1. Definition

1.1. French world for infringement/wrongful conduct

1.2. Civil wrong committed against an individual party

2. Duty of care:

2.1. reasonable care for his acts and omissions.

2.2. establish by:

2.2.1. 1. proximity test

2.2.2. 2. policy test

2.2.3. 3. Foreseeability test

3. Tort of Negligence

3.1. 3 Elements :

3.1.1. 1. Duty of Carre

3.1.2. 2. Breach Of duty

3.1.3. 3. Resulting Damage

3.2. most important and effective in business context

3.3. It covers both negligent acts and omissions (failure to act).

4. Breach of duty

4.1. Test to determine Breach of Duty of Care

4.1.1. a. The omission to do something reasonable

4.1.2. b. Doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do.

5. Damage

5.1. The plaintiff (injured party) must prove that he has suffered damage as a result of the defendant’s

5.1.1. REMEDY: a. Punitive damages is against tortious loss. b. in continuing tort, the court will sometimes grant injunction

6. Tort

6.1. 1.interests are protected by law.

6.2. privity of contract

6.3. 3.The tortfeasor committed any tort

6.4. 4. including minors can sue

6.5. 5. damages and injunction

7. Interests protected by Tort Law

7.1. Personal Security

7.1.1. Negligence, statutory and intentional tort

7.2. Interest in property

7.2.1. Property, Nuisance tort

7.3. Reputation and Privacy

7.3.1. Defamation Tort

7.4. Economic Interest

7.4.1. Economic Tort

8. Example of tort

8.1. 1. Negligence

8.2. 2. property

8.3. 3 Nuisance.

8.4. 4. Defamation

8.5. 5. intentional

8.6. 6. statutory

8.7. 7. Economic


9.1. 1905178H

9.1.1. CLASS TE04