Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence by Mind Map: Artificial Intelligence

1. Approaches

1.1. Symbolic

1.2. Deep Learning

1.3. Recurrent neural networks

1.4. Bayesian networks

1.5. Evolutionary Algorithms

2. Philosophy

2.1. Ethics

2.2. Existential Risk

2.3. Turning Test

2.4. Chinese Room

2.5. Friendly AI

3. History

3.1. Timeline

3.1.1. 1956 - Present

3.2. Progress

3.2.1. The Generation of AI Concept

3.2.2. Deep Learning Theory

3.3. AI Wintor

4. Technology

4.1. Applications

4.2. Projects

4.3. Programming Languages

5. Major Goals

5.1. Knowledge Reasoning

5.1.1. Knowledge Management Concept Mining Data Mining Text Mining Process Mining

5.2. Planing

5.3. Machine Learning

5.3.1. Artificial Neural Networks

5.3.2. Deep Learning

5.3.3. Genetic Algorithms

5.3.4. Clustering

5.4. Natural Language Processing

5.4.1. Classification

5.4.2. Question Answering

5.4.3. Text Generation

5.5. Robotics

5.5.1. Term Coind-1920

5.5.2. HAL

5.5.3. Google Car

5.5.4. CZech Word

5.5.5. Servants of Human

5.5.6. Will they against human?

5.5.7. Debates- Consciousness

5.6. Artificial General Intelligence

5.6.1. Strong AI

5.6.2. Weak AI

5.7. Fuzzy Logic

6. AI Traits

6.1. Learning

6.2. Creativity

6.3. Adaptability

6.4. Goal Directness

6.5. Intelligent

6.6. Perception