the author

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the author by Mind Map: the author

1. as a result

2. to give/refute (widerlegen) arguments

3. reporting verbs (+that)

3.1. to write that...

3.1.1. to add that...

3.1.2. to report that...

3.1.3. to state that...

3.1.4. to explain that...

3.2. to argue that...

3.3. to claim that...

3.4. to recommend that...

3.4.1. ...ppl use less plastic

3.5. to show that...

3.5.1. to illustrate that...

3.5.2. to make it clear that...

3.6. to say that...

3.7. to tell the reader that...

3.8. to point out that ...

3.8.1. to emphasize that...

3.8.2. to highlight the fact that ...

3.8.3. to underline that...

3.9. to comment on the fact that...

3.10. to suggest that...

4. to address the reader/listener

4.1. the author addresses the reader on an emotional level

4.2. to involve the reader directly by +ING

5. to start by... +ING

5.1. he starts by reporting that 9 out of 10 Americans use too much plastic.

6. sequencing ideas

7. atmosphere, time, place, occasion (Anlass),

8. audience/reader

8.1. expectations

8.2. interests

8.3. knowledge

8.4. hopes / wishes

8.5. prejudices/stereotypes

9. rhetorical strategies

9.1. to refer to authorities/experts/studies/science/law/technical terms/bible/god

9.2. stylistic devices

9.3. to manipulate the audience/reader

9.3.1. to use/create emotions

9.3.2. to use humor [AE] / provocation

9.3.3. to distract/divert the reader's or audience's attention

9.3.4. to compliment/threaten the audience/reader

9.3.5. to talk about common interests/benefits/enemies

9.3.6. to exaggarate

9.3.7. to lie or misuse facts or quotations

10. to comment on sth.

10.1. to argue for/against/about sth.

10.2. to agree with someone (or) on sth.

10.3. to criticize sth.

10.4. to praise sth.

10.5. to demand sth.

11. although

12. to explain sth.

12.1. He explains the reasons for the problem.

13. to complain about sth.

14. reporting verbs (+sth.)

14.1. the author illustrates his theory with two examples

14.2. to write about sth.

14.2.1. to refer to sth.

14.2.2. to add sth. He added some examples

14.2.3. to state sth.

14.2.4. to present sth.

14.3. to illustrate sth.

14.3.1. the graph illustrates the relation between health and happiness

14.4. to use sth.

14.4.1. he uses colloquial language and stylistic devices

15. as a first/second/third argument for ..., the author ....

15.1. As a first argument for reducing plastic, the author refers to the polluted oceans.

16. first, second, third (or) firstly, secondly, thirdly

16.1. next, then, last(

16.2. finally

16.3. additionally, furthermore, besides

16.3.1. Besides, the author claims that...

16.4. at the end

17. Giving a result

17.1. thus

17.2. therefore

17.3. in conclusion

17.4. all in all

18. contrasting ideas

18.1. despite of

18.2. in contrast to

18.3. however

18.4. on the one hand...on the other hand

19. topic, intentions

19.1. pollitical / convincing people

19.2. entertainment

19.3. informative/statement