Combating Addiction

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Combating Addiction by Mind Map: Combating Addiction

1. What can we individuals do to combat addiction?

1.1. 1. Remind yourself from time to time about why you want to make those sudden changes.

1.2. 2.Think about your past attempts at recovery, if any. What worked? What didn’t?

1.3. 3. At first, the hard part is to avoid them for at least a week. This will "repair" your body and will help get rid of your previous habits easily.

1.4. yourself at every moment. Celebrate every single achievement on the path, regardless of size.

1.5. 5.Therapy can help you to cope with uncomfortable feelings and help you unravel the irrational thoughts that keep you addicted. Quitting is not easy or straightforward, but a good treatment program will help you achieve it when you are ready.

2. Countries that have/are faced/facing addiction.

2.1. Addiction can be of many types such as addiction to Drugs, Food, Alcohol and much more here are a list of a few countries who faced addiction:

2.2. Iran→ Many people in Iran are addicted to opiates.

2.3. USA→ People in USA are addicted to internet around 71% OF the population were addicted to the internet.

2.4. Belarus→This country has consumed the greatest average amount of alcohol in liters.

2.5. Countries like India and China are at risk of facing addiction from consuming packaged foods and drinks.

3. Steps taken by many nations to tackle addiction

3.1. Identify and crack down on prescribers who are providing large quantities of narcotics in so-called pill mills.

3.2. Employ TV, radio and social media to educate families about drug-abuse prevention.

3.3. Establish and implement medical guidelines for the treatment of chronic pain.

3.4. Increase the availability, affordability and access to drug treatment programs.

4. Group Members- Niranjana, Dilen, Harshita and Dhruv