English speaking countries, Erik, M.Máté, Kevin

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English speaking countries, Erik, M.Máté, Kevin by Mind Map: English speaking countries, Erik, M.Máté, Kevin

1. New Zeland

1.1. Wellington

1.1.1. Wellington is famous for creativity and great food

2. Australia

2.1. Canberra

2.1.1. l is the most populous city among the settlements inland

3. South Africa

3.1. Cape town, Pretoria, Bloemfontein

3.1.1. Its going through big changes

4. Canada

4.1. Ottawa

4.1.1. One of the most friendliest city in the world

5. UK

5.1. England: London

5.1.1. One of the most famous city in the world

5.2. Wales: Cardriff

5.2.1. Cardiff is a dynamic city with a tangible energy but with deep roots into the past

5.3. Northern Ireland: Belfast

5.3.1. Ireland island second biggest city

5.4. Scotland: Edinburgh

5.4.1. One of the most historical city in the UK

6. Republic of Ireland

6.1. Dublin

6.1.1. Viking's founded the city and it's still remains of this day

7. USA

7.1. Washington DC

7.1.1. It is named after the country's first president, George Washington.