about me

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about me により Mind Map: about me

1. watching movies.

2. I am ... years

3. hobbies

3.1. I like ....

3.1.1. listening to music.

3.1.2. drawing.

3.1.3. playing video games.

3.1.4. reading books. playing board games.

3.1.5. dancing.

3.1.6. singing.

4. sports

4.1. play

4.1.1. football

4.1.2. basketball

4.1.3. tennis

4.2. do

4.2.1. ballet

4.2.2. judo

4.3. ride

4.3.1. a bike

4.3.2. a horse

4.4. ...

4.4.1. ski (inline) skate

4.4.2. snowboard

4.4.3. skateboard

5. family, friends and pets

5.1. I have got ....

5.1.1. a sister

5.1.2. a brother

5.1.3. two...

5.1.4. I haven't got a brother or a sister.

5.1.5. a dog.

5.2. My ...'s name is ....

6. My name is...

6.1. I'm a girl/boy.

7. I'm ... years old.

8. My favourite... is ...

8.1. colour

8.2. music

8.3. sport

8.4. book

8.5. clothes

8.6. pet

8.7. animal

8.8. number

9. I'm from ...