Force and Pressure

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Force and Pressure by Mind Map: Force and Pressure

1. Forces

1.1. What It Is

1.1.1. a push or pull

1.2. Effects

1.2.1. Change the direction of motion of an object

1.2.2. Change the physical form of an object

1.2.3. Cause a stationary object to move/stop a moving object

1.3. Different Kinds Of Force

1.3.1. Gravitational Gravity exists between any 2 objects. Example: Earth and apple The weight of the object depends on the force of gravity pulling on the object. The greater the force of gravity pulling an object, the heavier the object.

1.3.2. Magnetic A magnet can exert a force on other magnets. When like poles (North and North or South and South) face each other, the magnets push (repel). When unlike poles face each other (North and South and Visa Versa) the magnets attract (pull). Magnetic Forces are also used in Transportation. A type of trained called the maglev train uses magnets in the track and train to repel and lift the train a few centimeters above the track. As there is no contact with the track friction is reduced and the train can move faster.

1.3.3. Frictional Friction occurs whenever two moving surfaces are in contact. Friction slows down and stops a moving object. Friction produces heat. Example: Rubbing your hands together to create warmth, because of the friction. Friction can be a useful force. Without it, many things we do in life would not be possible. Example: Unscrewing a cap of a bottle At the same time, friction can also be a problem. It makes movement more difficult and wears away materials. Example: Causes bicycles to be slower There are ways of reducing friction, such as using smooth surfaces, ball bearings, lubrication and streamlining.

1.4. How To Measure

1.4.1. Step 1: determine the mass of the given object. Weigh it with either an electronic balance or scale. Step 2: Determine the object’s acceleration. Acceleration is measured with an accelerometer. Step 3: Multiply the mass’s value by the acceleration’s value. This is the force’s value. Eg, A mass of 20 grams accelerating at 5 centimeters per second squared carries a force of 20 times 5, or 100, gram-centimeters per second squared

1.5. Measurement

1.5.1. Measured in Newtons with a Spring Balance

2. Pressure

2.1. What It Is

2.1.1. Well, it’s the exertion of force per unit area upon a surface by an object

2.2. A smaller area is need for Pressure to increase

2.3. How To Calculate

2.3.1. Pressure= Force/Area