Paragraph Writing

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Paragraph Writing by Mind Map: Paragraph Writing

1. The supporting sentence is una oracion que soporta o mantiene un parrafo en otras palabras es el cuerpo de un parrafo que explica y elabora el punto de un parrafo

2. The topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph, it presents the topic of a paragraph but the bad thing is that it does not allow a paragraph to be too long

3. The concluding sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph or it ends a paragraph but it has to have a conclusion of the whole paragraph so that it can go to the next paragraph that corresponds

4. Also, transitions have to be used when a sentence is connected with ideas and concepts from a paragraph The paragraphs have to be long enough to express any idea that is given Research papers must have at least paragraphs of ten sentences or more.

5. The purpose of a paragraph is to express the opinions on a particular point in a clear, unique and specific way of that paragraph, is to give a unit of speech in written text that expresses an idea or an argument

6. Meaning: it is the minimum unit of a text made up of one or more sentences that develop an idea.

7. Paragraph Structure: Topic sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence two Supporting Sentence three Concluding Sentence

8. The theme of the writing and the content will give the length of a paragraph. Unfortunately, there is not a specific number of sentences for a good paragraph but it is approximately 5 to 6 sentences requiring a good paragraph A rule that all paragraphs must have is to start with a thematic sentence