1. Justifications for furture decisions/course of action.
1.1. Is television is bad for children?
1.2. Modern fairytale characters should be allowed in the hall of fame.
1.3. The technology used at school is out of date.
1.4. Sport should be compulsory in the school curriculum.
1.5. Is facebook a dangerous innovation?
1.6. Should we send humans to mars?
2. Value of new knowledge when teaching English to future middle school students.
2.1. Self-Review (How? and What? Reflection)
2.1.1. Other curriculum learning areas to teach persuasive writing.
2.1.2. Build students vocabulary to develop persuasive language.
2.1.3. Oral langugae activities to develop persuasive language skill sand sequence ideas.
2.1.4. Teaching and learning strategies to scaffold learners.
2.1.5. Explicitly teach structure and language.
2.1.6. Assessment to support students and make expectations clear.
2.2. Future Teaching (Government of S.A, 2011)
2.2.1. Persuasive writing require ability to logically sequence ideas and use powerful language.
2.2.2. Supporting students to order thoughts and develop rich vocabulary to write persuasive texts.
2.2.3. Teaching and learning strategies to foster a gradual release of responsibility in supporting students to independently write a persuasive text with confidence.
2.2.4. Students peer and self-assess to reflect on work and improve their skills.
3. Threats
3.1. How teachers ensure students have sufficient and accurate knowledge to base their work is the critical question?
3.2. Topic selection is limited to comply with the year 6-10 Australian National Curriculum.
3.3. In many cultures, it is not appropriate nor practiced within the culture to express an opinion.
4. Strengths
4.1. Persuasive texts are part of our daily lives.
4.2. Students learn to express their opinion and consider other opinions or points of view.
4.2.1. A form of emotive expression.
4.3. Students learn how to create systematic and ordered persuasive texts.
4.4. Students understand how different audiences and purposes of persuasive writing determines the language choices they make.
4.4.1. Knowledge of writing persuasive texts is influenced by identity and attitude.
4.5. Students begin to understand the persuasive nature of the marketing they are exposed to through television, the Internet, and other media.
4.6. Persuasive writing represents a unique mode of learning (Emig, 1977).
4.6.1. Creates powerful learning strategies through process and product (engages students through individual interest topics and multimodal teaching and learning methods).
5. Weaknesses
5.1. Topic selections need to be at the interest of the students.
5.2. Students need to be critical consumers to interpret, evaluate and assess information.
5.3. Higher order thinking-skills need to be refined.
5.3.1. More cognitively demanding.
5.4. Students need to adhere to appropriate use of the structure and language features when writing persuasive texts (Kopelke, n.d).
5.4.1. Students often lack support for justifications, have poorly organised structure and immature language.
6. Opportunities
6.1. Interesting trends
6.1.1. Active participants in own learning. Scaffolded using 'gradual release of responsibility (whole group, small group, partner and individual learning). Catering for diverse learning styles (using multimodal teaching and learning styles to engage and maintain student interest).
6.1.2. Cooperative Learning strategies to embrace learning. Encorporate other learning areas (science, S&E and history, etc).
6.2. Best lesson plan opportunities
6.2.1. Persuasive writing words and phrases selection (scaffold).
6.2.2. 'The Great Chocolate Chip Cookie Taste Off'
6.2.3. Writing persuasive letters template and exemplars (scaffold).
6.2.4. 'Food Factory'.
6.2.5. Advertisment analysis
6.2.6. Tourist flyer evaluation