Principles For Success in 8 Episodes By Ray Dalio

Principles For Success in 8 Episodes by Ray Dalio

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Principles For Success in 8 Episodes By Ray Dalio by Mind Map: Principles For Success in 8 Episodes By Ray Dalio

1. Episode 6 Your Two Biggest Barriers

1.1. Episode 6 Your Two Biggest Barriers

1.1.1. Have a healthy fear of being wrong

1.1.2. Our EGO and Blindspot barriers

1.1.3. EGO We do not know our weaknesses Our need to be wright We believe our own ideas without stress testing them

1.1.4. Blindspot No one alone can see a complete picture of reality We had different ranges to see and understand the things Because our brains wired differently everyone perceive the world differently

2. Episode 7 Be Radically Open-Minded

2.1. Episode 7 Be Radically Open-Minded

2.1.1. Find people that disagree with you

2.1.2. Thoughtful disagreement

2.1.3. 5 Step process is not a process that you should be alone. A team work different perspectives will change the pace...

2.1.4. Be Radically Open-Minded


3. Episode 5 Everything is a Machine

3.1. Episode 5 Everything is a Machine

3.1.1. The balance of Risk & Reward

4. Episode 4 The Abyss

4.1. Episode 4 The Abyss

4.1.1. We will always face big problems or loose

4.1.2. There is always best way forward that you do not see

4.1.3. Embrace set bacs and reality on reflect on them

5. Episode 3 The Five Step Process

5.1. Episode 3 The Five Step Process

5.1.1. 5 Steps process Ray Dalio Step 1 Know your GOALS Understand your self Know what you want to achieve in life Step 2 Encounter the problems Step 3 Diagnose the problems Do not jump to quickly to the solutions Step back and reflect, distinguish the symptoms from the disease Step 4 Design a plan to eliminate the problems Step 5 Do it

5.1.2. It is a law of nature

5.1.3. Evolve or die

6. Episode 1 The Call to Adventure

6.1. Episode 1 The Call to Adventure

6.1.1. How to deal with not knowing

6.1.2. Generate your own principles according to your Values

6.1.3. You need to think for yourself about what is True ? 1

6.1.4. Principles are smart way to handling things happen over and over again in simmular situations

6.1.5. 2 rules 1- Decide What to do 2- Have the courage to do it Visual

6.1.6. Do not forget Your ego and blindspot barriers

6.1.7. Time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require us to make decisions.

6.1.8. The quality of decisions will determine the quality of your life

6.1.9. My succses is result of a unique approach to life

7. Episode 2 Embrace Reality and Deal With It

7.1. Episode 2 Embrace Reality and Deal With It

7.1.1. The Path you take in life is your most important decision

7.1.2. Truth is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes 1

7.1.3. Be a hyper realist

7.1.4. Dreams + Reality + Determination = A SUCESSFUL LIFE 1

7.1.5. Each of us chooses goals based on our own values

7.1.6. What is success

7.1.7. Problems = Puzzles

7.1.8. Pain is a que, a great learning opportunity

7.1.9. Pain + Reflection = Progress 1

7.1.10. Meditation

8. Episode 8 Struggle Well

8.1. Episode 8 Struggle Well

8.1.1. We all have struggles

8.1.2. evolve

8.1.3. A shared journey

8.1.4. How you are going to evolve

9. 0 Intro Video

9.1. Principles for Success | An ultra mini series adventure in 30 minutes and in 8 episodes


10.1. Bridgewater

10.2. Principles by Ray Dalio

10.3. Ray Dalio