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Bu03361 by Mind Map: Bu03361

1. Activity 1

1.1. Google account

2. Activity 2

2.1. Blogger

2.2. Twitter

3. Activity 3

3.1. Google Reader

4. Activity 4

4.1. Introduction

4.1.1. Idea 1

4.1.2. Idea 2

4.1.3. Idea 3

4.2. Body

4.3. Conclusion

4.4. Reference


5.1. Introduction

5.1.1. Fraction a whole with equal parts

5.1.2. Denominator Bottom number of a fraction

5.1.3. numerator Top number of a fraction

5.2. Body

5.2.1. Fractions can be made up with as many equal parts as long as they are equal

5.2.2. Denominator is the bottom number and it tells how many equal parts of the whole

5.2.3. Numerator is the top number of a fraction that tells how many equal parts are highlighted, left or missing

5.3. Conclusion

5.3.1. Fractions are equal parts to make up a whole

5.3.2. denominator is the bottom number

5.3.3. numerator is the top number

5.3.4. to make up a fraction you need equal parts and a denominator and a numerator.