Selma's mind map

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Selma's mind map by Mind Map: Selma's mind map

1. activity 4

2. activity 3

3. activtiy 2

4. You will be drawing a picture of a rainbow and coloring using the same colors as the rainbow.

5. The best way to remember these colors and their order is remember this:ROY G. BIV: R for red, O for orange, Y for yellow, G for green, B for blue, I for indigo

6. The rainbow has seven colors which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

7. The sunlight is a visible cloud or a white light and this is actually a mixture of colors

8. A rainbow appears in the sky when the sun is behind you and the rain in front.

9. potcast

9.1. Today's lesson I will be talking about a rainbow, and these are the things I will be talking about

9.1.1. Rainbow seven colors

9.1.2. The rainbow has multi-colors