Desktop Operating System

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Desktop Operating System by Mind Map: Desktop Operating System

1. Windows

1.1. Pons

1.1.1. With Windows 8, Microsoft is adding the tile-centric Metro interface from Windows Phone 7, an app store, improved mobile broadband support and better instant-on and instant-off abilities.(

1.1.2. New node

1.2. Cons

1.2.1. Linux News - When it comes to some of the more negative backlash regarding Windows 8 Consumer Preview, I’ve heard on more than one occasion such claims as, “If they don’t fix X, I’m switching to Mac or Linux“.(

1.2.2. New node

2. Mac Os X

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. Ubuntu and OS X is highly similar in looks but they have major differences in function. Because of this, different parts of each OS is easier than the other.(

2.1.2. New node

2.2. Cros

2.2.1. OS X 10.8 is Apple’s first release since the introduction of iCloud – their free online storage service.

2.2.2. New node

3. Ubuntu

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Today’s Ubuntu has integrated a more casual (and touch) friendly UI, called Unity, which was first brought into the picture to make using a netbook with Ubuntu easier.(

3.1.2. New node

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. While Ubuntu has come a long way at becoming as painless experience as possible, this is still Linux and there is going to be times you'll be scratching your head wondering why something didn't work.(

3.2.2. New node