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Studying stylistics. by Mind Map: Studying stylistics.

1. The physical means of communication.

2. Three main stylistic.

2.1. The linguistic form or micro level.

2.1.1. The discourse dimension of texts or the intermediate level. The communicative situation of texts or the macro level.

3. The description of stylistic effects involves having a very secure functional model of the language.

3.1. The way a text communicates also has to do with variables, such as the context, the relationship between the participants, the topic of discourse, the mode of discourse spoken or written, the channel telephone, letter, face to face, and the underlying ideology.

3.1.1. They divide into yet more variables as context, can mean social, cultural, situational, or linguistic context.

4. Context.

4.1. In which the text is embedded.

4.1.1. Field of discourse. Where the subject of importance is added. Setting

5. Stylistics uses the methodology of linguistics to study the concept of "style" in language.

5.1. When we use language we, necessarily, adopt a style of some sort.

6. As a way into the subject you can do no better, as with sociolinguistics, than start from what you know, and work to build on and extend that knowledge.

6.1. Learners don't communicate when pair work or group work is done silently.

6.1.1. Some pair work ends up being a monologue because the teacher doesn't build any interest in the activitie.

7. The stylistics is concerned with the text as a whole, its physical, as well as its verbal, structure.

8. Textual message.

8.1. The sentences follow one another in a certain order and cohere together to make a unified entity.

9. The ideational message.

9.1. It seeks to represent reality but not necessarily physical.