Elogio a la dificultad

Juan Felipe Correa González 902

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Elogio a la dificultad by Mind Map: Elogio a la dificultad

1. Vemos como es el pensamiento humano terminando siendo un pensamiento facilista, erróneo el cual gran parte de los seres humanos tenemos.

2. Isoordinación

3. History

3.1. The story is told by Jane Eyre who at ten years of age is guarded by her in-law, Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Fairfax, housekeeper of Thornfield, warmly welcomes you, and explains the situation in broad strokes: she is there to be the governess of Adèle Varens, a girl of about eight years, custody of Mr. Rochester, owner of the mansion and who only visits the property from time to time. The first time Jane walks the house accompanied by Mrs. Fairfax, she hears on the third floor a tragic and unearthly laugh, of which Mrs. Fairfax accuses an employee, Grace Poole.