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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Comunity of Enquiry Framework

1.1. It is a social constructivist model of learning processes in online and blended environments

1.1.1. Social Presence

1.1.2. Cognive Presence

1.1.3. Teaching Presence

2. ARCS Model

2.1. It is a motivational design process which says that the most important part is the Motivation.

2.1.1. Attention

2.1.2. Relevance

2.1.3. Confidence

2.1.4. Satisfaction

3. Self-Determination Theory

3.1. It is macro Theory which links the personal motivation and personality features to the psychological needs

3.1.1. Autonomy

3.1.2. Competence

3.1.3. Relatedness

4. These concepts can be determined in our classroom according to our student’s need in learning, for instance; the self determination theory is basically how educators and learners care and are connected to others in a effective in environment of self-learning which in our classes can be considered as one of the most important issues when students are not totally motivated in learning on their own. On the other hand, the community of inquiry framework creates the learning efficient which creates a learning community and the application of the self-collaborative environment with other members of the community. It could be online learning , or social presence learning which most of us were used to working before the Covid 19 pandemic.Moreover, the ARCS model theory considered the attention , relevance , confidence and satisfaction a complete factor in the learning process and the teaching environment where educators and learners are willing to work together by providing motivational feedback and positive rewards.