Luis E. Perez Robles

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Luis E. Perez Robles by Mind Map: Luis E. Perez Robles

1. Learning Styles

1.1. Multimodal

1.1.1. Kinesthetic

1.1.2. Visual

1.1.3. Read/Write

1.2. ADHD

1.2.1. Creative

2. Puerto Rico

2.1. Spanish 1st language

2.2. Born & raised in tough neighborhood

3. Sports

3.1. Basketball

3.1.1. Lakers

3.2. Boxing

3.3. Baseball

4. Cars

4.1. Audi

5. Multiple Intelligence

5.1. Language

5.2. Musical

5.3. Logic/Math

6. Personality Assessment

6.1. Protagonist

6.2. ENFJ-A

7. Family

7.1. Wife

7.2. 2 Kids

7.3. Mom, Brothers

8. Music/Dancing

8.1. All types

8.2. Dancing even with no music on