1. World
1.1. Economics
1.1.1. Laissez-faire Capitalism
1.1.2. Austrian Economics
1.2. Investing
1.2.1. Warren Buffet
1.2.2. Chris Martenson
1.2.3. Dr. Doom
2. Body and Fitness
2.1. Exercise
2.1.1. Yoga
2.1.2. Acroyoga
2.1.3. Crossfit
2.2. Nutrition
2.2.1. Intermittent Fasting
2.2.2. Paleo
2.3. Care
2.3.1. Massage
2.3.2. Egosque
3. Fun
3.1. Hobbies
3.1.1. Hiking
3.1.2. Travel
3.1.3. Sailing
3.1.4. Rock climbing
3.1.5. Guitar
3.1.6. Surfing
3.1.7. Pictures and video
3.1.8. Drawing
3.1.9. Singing
3.1.10. Dancing
3.2. Social
3.2.1. Dining
3.2.2. Wine Bars
3.2.3. Events
3.3. Quality of Life
3.3.1. Time off
3.3.2. Play
4. Helping and Community
4.1. Staats Foundation
4.1.1. Basket Brigade
4.2. Volunteer
4.2.1. Seniors
5. Hobbies
5.1. Crossfit
5.2. Real Love
5.3. Acroyoga
5.4. Artists club
5.5. Hiking
5.6. Tony Robbins Group
6. Mission
6.1. Create a life of love in and around me
6.1.1. Discover and create a way to bring out love in the world. Charity
6.2. Financial Mastery
7. Income
7.1. Investing
7.2. Real Estate
7.3. Start Up Companies
8. Relationship
8.1. Family
8.1.1. Foundation Artistic Performance Singing, dancing, music etc. a natural way to express, no judgement, not about comparisons
8.2. Friends
8.3. Soul Mate
8.3.1. 3-4 Children
8.3.2. My guideline for relationships No hiding No shaming
8.4. Universe
8.4.1. Oneness. There is no seperation between me and anything anywhere,
8.4.2. God = Is everything, everywhere, in me Is Unconditional Love Does not judge, allows you to create anything There are no bad or good happenings, everything just is I create everything, I am the Universe looking upon itself
8.5. Essence
8.5.1. Davide Deida, Masculine / Feminine
9. Character
9.1. Values
9.1.1. Integrity - follow my own beliefs, own up
9.1.2. Honesty
9.1.3. Compassion
9.1.4. Unconditional Love
9.1.5. Responsible for me
9.2. Virtues
9.2.1. Courage
9.2.2. Unconditional Love
9.2.3. Authenticity
10. Rituals
10.1. Celebrations
10.1.1. Breaking Bread
10.2. Rituals
10.2.1. Gratitude before meals
10.2.2. Honoring, water, air etc, San Pedro?
10.2.3. Doing something with high intentions. Drinking this will open our hearts.
10.3. Routines
10.3.1. Listen to self recorded Incantations over background music (15 min)
10.3.2. Meditation (30 min)
10.3.3. Morning Practice Oneness
10.3.4. Evening Practice
10.3.5. Exercise (once a day)
11. Writing
12. Languages
13. Work
14. Army
15. Self Worth
15.1. Real Love
15.1.1. Not responsible for others actions or emotions
15.1.2. Don't need to do anything to be loved, lovable
15.2. Buddhism
15.2.1. pain is okay - only really suffer when judging, fighting it
15.3. NVC
16. Communication / Emotions
16.1. Non Violent Communication
16.1.1. Don't have to do anything, always have choice
16.1.2. Other people don't make me feel a way
16.1.3. Everything is a gift, someones anger etc.
16.1.4. Empathic communication
16.1.5. Observation > Feeling > Need > Request (no demands)
16.2. Authentic Man Program
16.2.1. Presence > Appreciation > Integrity > Wholeness > Play
16.2.2. Honesty
16.2.3. No hiding
16.2.4. No shaming
16.2.5. Curiosity
16.3. Toastmasters
17. Life Tools
17.1. Decision making
17.1.1. Munger Method
17.1.2. Tony Robbins
17.1.3. Probability
17.1.4. Psychological tendencies
17.1.5. Carl Sagan
17.1.6. Tolle
17.2. General
17.2.1. Memory palace
17.2.2. Mindmap
17.2.3. Evernote
17.2.4. Omnifocus
17.2.5. NLP
17.3. Creativity
17.4. Life Events
17.4.1. Personal Buying Home Selling Home Moving Jail Sex difficulties Financial challenges Change in interests / hobbies Theft / Loss of data Habbits
17.4.2. Work Starting Business / Job Change of Business / Job Retirement Charity
17.4.3. Family/Friends Pregnancy Birth of Child / Adoption College Marriage Divorce Death Sickness Disagreements / Fights
17.4.4. Nature / Economy Economic challenges Natural Disasters / Unexpected Events Epidemic
17.4.5. Sickness / Injury
17.4.6. Death
18. Life View / Spiritual
18.1. There is no Judge VS I am the judge
18.1.1. Yes to all moments
18.1.2. No right and wrong, no blaming
18.2. No punishment / No reward VS punish and rewards
18.2.1. No praise
18.3. Unconditional Love VS conditional love
18.4. Presence - This Moment is Perfect VS not wanting to be here
18.4.1. Meditation
18.5. Authenticity
18.6. Natural Giving VS sacrifice
18.7. Oneness VS separation
18.7.1. Connection with The Source
18.8. Heart to Heart Connection VS who's right
18.9. Doing the Best right now VS Could have, should have
18.10. Compassion for all VS thinking
18.11. Responsible for my actions and emotions only VS responsible for others
18.12. I Am Complete VS i am broken
18.12.1. I am innately good rather than sin/evil self-acceptance
18.13. Lessen Expectations VS Expecting from others
18.14. Eckhart Tolle
19. Life Vision
20. Purpose / Highest Goal
20.1. The purpose of my life is to Love, embody this moment and be the pillar of strength for myself and others.
20.2. Higher purpose - Love all of gods children etc.??
20.3. Other people don't do growth like I do growth. Aunt Sherry is often angry and in pain yet doesn't seem to change. I do this because this is my calling, I am directed to grow and become more of me shedding all the false shells. My purpose is to show the light inside of me and share it with others. To be a gateway of love. To break down any boundaries in my way.
20.3.1. Reminds me of Kat and her 'god put me on earth to be an actor,' my calling.
20.3.2. We are all gateways of love question is how were we created to give this acting, creating a family, mentoring, volunteering, creating a charity, role model, life coach
20.4. Oneness with the Spirit of the Universe
20.4.1. Present - Loving - Authentic - Accepting - Artist of My Life