Question 1: As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?
by Jiaxin Ng
1. Claim 3
1.1. Warrant : Doing something in private that is wrong should be shown to the whole world.
1.2. Qualifier : A free press is essential to the functioning of a free-market economy, exposing corruption and dishonesty on the part of public officials and businesses. If investigative journalists are prevented from scrutinising the private lives of public figures, then corruption and crime will be much easier to hide.
1.3. Ground/Data : For example, just how does a senior civil servant afford a Ferrari, a yacht and a villa in Monaco on his government salary?
1.4. Rebuttal : Such close press scrutiny actually places public figures under considerable strain, making both poor performance in office and personal problems such as marital breakdown more likely.
2. Stand
2.1. It does matter what people do in private, even though they do their job well in the public life.
3. Claim 1
3.1. Warrant : One example of the people are the public figures. Even though they did their job well, what they do in private matters as well as people look up to them.
3.2. Qualifier : One example is Silvio Serlusconi. He is one of the most successful politician in the world. However, due to his sec scandals, which resulted in his lost of majority in parlimant, he resigned as the Prime Minister in Italy in 2011.
3.3. Ground / Data : Silvio Berlusconi
3.4. Rebuttal : However, there are some public figures that are still quite successful even after their private lives are disclosed. One example is Jack Neo. People were disgusted with him at first, but after that, his wife decided to forgive him. Also, he started to makes movies again, movies seem to be doing well. More movies will be up soon and thus, showed that still can be successful even though private life was shown.
4. Claim 2
4.1. Warrant : Doing something in private is a time for you to show the true you.
4.2. Qualifier : People can show who they really are when they are in private because of the social norms.
4.3. Ground/Data : There are more people in the Europe who admit that they are homosexual because the society can accept them, as compared to Singapore.
4.4. Rebuttal : However, Mr Lee Kwan Yew said in 1998, the homosexuals can live in peace in Singapore as they do not create any disturbances in our lives. He also accepts homosexual in the society.
5. Defination
5.1. Public eye : Places which everyone can judge you and see what you are doing. Including the media.