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journalist by Mind Map: journalist

1. History

1.1. New profession

2. Education

2.1. Philology

2.2. ethics

3. future of thr profession

3.1. People will always be interested in reading news in magazines and newspapers. then the journalists will be chewing for a very long time

4. necessary skills

4.1. be able to talk to people

4.2. competently and interestingly write

4.3. able to like

5. Please of work

5.1. magazine publishing

5.2. newspaper publisher

5.3. Sport club

5.4. television

6. Function

6.1. interview famous people

6.2. write about famous people

6.3. travel for new information

6.4. tell people the news

7. famous representatives of the profession

7.1. Anna Politkovskaya

7.2. Pavel Gusev

7.3. Oleg Kashin

7.4. Ivan Safronov

7.5. Vladislav Listev