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Plants Hormones by Mind Map: Plants Hormones

1. Abscisic acid

1.1. Found in

1.1.1. Every major organ including leaves, stems, roots and fruits.

1.2. Main Role

1.2.1. Slows plants growth "Inhibits growth"

1.3. Other Functions

1.3.1. Helps maintain seeds dormancy

1.3.2. Promotes leaf's aging

1.3.3. Closes stomata during dry spells, and enable plants to stand dehydration

1.3.4. A major reason in the adaptation of the plant to stress

1.3.5. Stimulates root growth in the direction of soil moisture “hydrotropism”

1.4. Commercial Use

1.4.1. Plant Growth Regulator for enhancing color development

2. Cytokinins

2.1. Main Role

2.1.1. Produced in actively growing organs

2.2. Found in

2.2.1. The roots and reach target tissues in stems by moving upward in xylem sap

2.3. Commercial Use

2.3.1. Growing organs such as roots, embryos and fruits

2.4. Other Functions

2.4.1. Cell differentiation

2.4.2. Rated the aging of leaves and flowers by inhibiting protein breakdown

2.4.3. Promote cytokineses or cell division

3. Gibberellins

3.1. Main Role

3.1.1. Growth regulators that facilitate cell elongation

3.1.2. Help the plants to grow taller

3.2. Found in

3.2.1. Meristems of apical buds and roots, young leaves, developing seeds

3.3. Other Functions

3.3.1. Seed Germination

3.3.2. Dormancy of Buds

3.3.3. Elongation of the Internodes

4. Ethylene

4.1. Main Role

4.1.1. Triggers fruit ripening and aging processes

4.2. Found in

4.2.1. Ripening fruits, nodes of stems aging leaves and flowers , and wound

4.3. Commercial Use

4.3.1. Ethylene is piped into green picked fruits such as tomatoes to ripen it

4.4. Other Functions

4.4.1. Promote root formation

4.4.2. Promote flowers in some species

4.4.3. Produced in response to stresses

4.4.4. A ratio of auxin to ethylene causes autumn color changes the loss of leaves

5. Auxins

5.1. Main Role

5.1.1. Promotes seedling elongation

5.2. Found in

5.2.1. Apical meristems at the tips of shoots

5.3. Commercial Use

5.3.1. Promotion of fruit development

5.4. Other Functions

5.4.1. Stimulating cell elongation and causing stems and roots to length

5.4.2. Induces cell division.

5.4.3. Helps control the overall branching of growing plant

5.4.4. Promote the development of roots during transplantation (IBA)

5.4.5. Lack of auxin protein couse mutation which influence in stunted growth of plant