1. Core Functions
1.1. Find Dog buddie
1.1.1. Size
1.1.2. Breed
1.1.3. Female/Male
1.1.4. Location Map with "tagged dogs" in the neighborhood, easy see what breeds are living in your area.
1.2. Find Dog Spots ( i.e. Parks, dog café, dog-friendly beaches, etc.)
1.2.1. Location Location Tagging / Breed Tagging
1.2.2. Rating 1 - 5 Stars
1.2.3. Comments Other dog owners comments on the Dog Spots/locations
1.3. Share my dogs activites
1.3.1. Share through SocialMedia Share your location activities and at the same time promote your dogs breed with some short information of your breed. Start Twitts on the different activities, like if you are traning your dog and twitting of the different methods you are using or tools, etc.
1.4. Keep track of you dog walks
1.4.1. Measure distance from A to B of your dog walks. Share in the SocialMedia Keep track/log of distance during training of your dog. Show other dog-friendly areas close-by during your walks.
2. Plan
2.1. Goals
2.1.1. Better Community/Network available for dog owners online and mobile devices.
2.2. Define Problems
2.2.1. Don't find any smartphone App or website that I can keep track of my dog's activities, friends, favorite spots, plan "play-dates", find dog-friendly spots, find other dogs from the same breed close by, and do all this at same time and keep notify me with updates/news from others too.
2.3. Target group
2.3.1. Dog owners 800 000 dogs in Sweden, 500 000 register in Svenska Kennelklubben. From the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association 2009-2010 National Pet Owners Survey. There are approximately 77.5 million owned dogs in the United States.
2.3.2. Want to become dog owners researching local information of breeds and dog-kennels
3. Ideas
3.1. Share suggestions for your dog for breed or walk-buddie
3.2. Search for dog-walkers/kennels
3.2.1. Kennels can public information of coming/planing deliveries of dogs.
3.2.2. Know Doq.walkers can show referens/other dogs already in their care, etc.
3.3. FAQ for dog owners
3.3.1. Known Breed problems or other Training issues
3.4. Notifications for dog-buddies once one is close-by
3.4.1. Get heads on when your known "tag" friend is close-by.