3. Professional Institute Workshops Bi-Annual

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3. Professional Institute Workshops Bi-Annual by Mind Map: 3. Professional Institute Workshops Bi-Annual

1. 8. Annex - Options if unable to attend physical space meeting.

2. 7. Walled Garden-Curriki-Type Space Follow-Up. Prepared after the Professional Institue. Participants create,receive materials,requirements before.

2.1. 1. Walled Garden, Authentic use by participants

3. 6. Elluminate Type Space

3.1. 1. The space used for online real time meetings with the experts, between groups themselves etc.

4. 4. Video

4.1. 1. Archived or Pre-Taped

4.2. 2. Live Stream

5. 1. Technology

6. 5. Live Chat Room Space

6.1. 1. Can be a synchronous addition to those asychronous online meeting spaces. IE, A synchronous environment to compliment those asynchronous materials. Creates active and ongoing engagement.

6.2. 2. Expert can join this syncronous space to address any in service questions.

6.3. 3. Moderator can take questions from this meeting and present those to the expert. The expert may then address those questions using one of the technologies tools, ie, via a webinar, podcast, you tube etc.

7. 2. Webinar

7.1. 1. Expert (s)

7.2. 2. Institute Group creates,provides

8. 3. Pod Cast

8.1. 1. Expert

8.2. 2. Institute Group