UDL Lesson Plan
by Sandra Mueller

1. Reading aloud in context
1.1. Looking for clues
1.1.1. decode phonectically
2. UDL
2.1. Environment
2.1.1. Quiet to focus Interactive when singing
2.1.2. Display colorful pictures in classroom Label objects with words
2.2. Learning style
2.2.1. Visual
3. Activity
4. Assessment
4.1. Direct questions
4.1.1. Who has? What is? Which one?
5. VS. Traditional Classroom
5.1.1. Memorize words
5.2. Lack of engagement with student
5.3. Lack of meaningful material
6. Autism ASD
6.1. Deficits
6.1.1. Inattention
6.1.2. Short-term working memory
7. Instructional Method
7.1. Use Visuals
7.1.1. Stories with pictures
7.2. Use Audio
7.2.1. for "read along"s
8. Purpose
8.1. Improve Comprehension
8.2. in reading and re-telling story
9. David
9.1. High funtioning IQ 85
9.1.1. listening skills
9.2. Unique interests
9.2.1. Pets, Parks, Trains