What is pedagogy

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What is pedagogy by Mind Map: What is pedagogy

1. Pedagogy is a social science focused on the investigation and reflection of educational theories at all stages of life, not only in childhood. This science draws on knowledge from sociology, history, anthropology, philosophy, psychology and politics.

2. Pedagogy vs Education

2.1. Pedagogy: Pedagogy refers to "the interactions between teachers, students, and the learning environment and learning tasks.

3. Education: Education is the social institution that allows and promotes the acquisition of skills, knowledge and expanding personal horizons and can take place in many settings.

4. Pedagogy in Education

4.1. Education is the object of pedagogy of study, the pedagogy is in charge to stablish the most pertinent ways to achieve that the education achieves its objective. The relationship between pedagogy-education involves understanding that both entities need constantly interact into abstraction and praxis

5. Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

5.1. Andragogy is the set of teaching techniques aimed at educating adults.

6. Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

6.1. Andragogy is the set of teaching techniques aimed at educating adults.