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PLEs (in general) por Mind Map: PLEs (in general)

1. people (research and discussion)

1.1. Graham Atwell

1.2. Ervin Goffman

1.3. James Baldwin

1.4. Dave White

1.5. Scott Wilson (mind map PLEX projrct)

1.6. Terry Anderson

1.6.1. ple as portfolio,interface,(incorp. fprmal and informal learning),repository of content, is a profile too, socil aand informative environments, to individuals and activities

1.7. Will Richardson

1.8. Stephen Downes

1.9. Marcia Conner

2. idea of life-long learning

3. copywrights

4. points to mention

4.1. establishing yourself online in some learning spaces to create an environment where you feel comfortable

4.2. digital identity

4.2.1. conception of self

4.2.2. multiple identities / distribution of self.

4.2.3. need to establish presense online

4.3. definition

4.3.1. ple as an application (spftware tool)

4.3.2. ple as a concept

4.3.3. as systems to support to set goals >>> beyond >> idea of life long learing

4.3.4. ple vs lms

5. digifolios + e-portfolios

5.1. function (acc to Danielson and Abrutyn (1997)

5.1.1. working

5.1.2. showcase

5.1.3. assesment

5.2. format

5.2.1. electronic p,

5.2.2. digital

5.2.3. webfolios

6. tools

6.1. blogging

6.1.1. blogs

6.1.2. microblogs

6.1.3. photoblogs

6.1.4. videoblogs

6.1.5. live blogging

6.2. media sharing

6.2.1. sharing photos

6.2.2. sharing presentations

6.2.3. sharing documents - collaborative editing

6.3. social bookmarking

6.3.1. idea of tagging (folkonomy)

6.4. socila networking

6.5. wikis

6.6. mind mapping

6.7. rss readers

6.8. open id concept?

6.9. storytelling

7. points to discuss

7.1. added value for LT

7.2. opportunities for blended and distance learning

7.3. can a PLE be equalled or surpass nononline environment

7.4. analysis of different PLE models