Authority for victory

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Authority for victory by Mind Map: Authority for victory

1. #6 Jesus the second man

2. #7 God’s purpose for the new creation

3. #8 God’s purpose for the new creation

4. #9 Satan's Program For the Close of the age

5. #10 Weapons of Warfare

6. 3 deaths 1. spiritual death 2. physical death 3. eternal banishment from God

7. Ultimate example of humility - Jesus Christ and 7 successive downward steps of Jesus 1. Jesus emptied himself 2. He took the form of a bondservant (gr. slave) 3. He came in the likeness of man 4. He was found in the appearance as a man 5. He humbled Himself 6. He endured the ultimate fate of all man: death 7. Even in death, he die the worse possible death for a human

8. Jesus seven upward steps of exaltation 1. God highly exalted Him 2. God gave him the name above every name 3. God ordained the name of Jesus, every knee must bow 4. Those in Heaven 5. Those on earth 6. those under the earth 7 every tongue confess JC is Lord

8.1. three result when we humble 1. Obedience become easy 2. God starts working in us 3. we will shine like stars in universe

9. #1 spiritual warfare

9.1. Why spiritual warfare is a part of kingdom living

9.1.1. 1. Paul instruction to all christians. (2 Cor 10:3-5 we do not wage war as the world does)

9.1.2. 2. Paul's instruction to Timothy (2 Tim 2:3-4, 1 Tim 1:18)

9.1.3. 3. Paul's reminder to Timothy

9.1.4. 4. The Christian life is likened to a wrestling match (Eph 6:12)

9.1.5. 5. God is a man of war (Jehovah/Yahweh) (Exo 15:1-4 God gives Moses strategies)

9.1.6. 6. God reveals HImself as a military commander Theophany (def) physcial appearance of God" to man in three forms Human being, angelic, non human

9.1.7. 7. God reveals Himself as One who is might in battle (Psa 23 shepherd, Psa 24:8 King of glory, strong and mighty)

9.1.8. 8. God is often known as the "Lord of armies" (Isa 13:4)

9.2. The root cause of all conflict& war - Rebellion

9.2.1. The three main areas of rebellion - branches, trunk, roots

9.3. How and when did rebellion begin?Who was the first rebel?

9.3.1. 1. The Adamic race(Gen 1:26)

9.3.2. 2. The Pre-Adamic period

10. #2 the rebellion of lucifer - Eph 6:12 "Principality" Gr - arche (to rule/chief rulership)

10.1. Three Archangels in Heaven

10.1.1. Lucifer (1/3) -morning star/shinning one Eze 28:11, Job 1:1-5 Eze 28 mentioned city of Tyre (greatest cities) "prince of Tyrus - human being, earthly ruler whereas "king of Tyrus" angelic being, Satan. V16 "trading" in hr Rakal meaning slanderer, talebearer, scandal monger, goes around lying and flattering to sow discord and disloyalty) Matt 12:24 Beelzebub - The lord of flies Four theories of demons - all schools of thought are correct to a certain degree - Satan's kingdom is organized and structured with many levels #1 demons are disembodied spirits of inhabitants from the pre-Adamic age (Luke 8:30-33) #2 Demons are the unnatural offspring of fallen angel and women before the flood #3 Demons are simply fallen angels #4 Demons are simply earthbound evil spirits, who are quite different in nature from angels 2 types of atheists - outright atheist - christian atheist 7 cases of Christian atheist 1. the pride of Adam and Eve 2. the pride of a certain rich man 3. the pride of the pharisees 4. the pride of the rich young ruler 5. The pride of Naaman 6. The pride of the wife of Zebedee 7. the pride of John disciples

10.1.2. Gabriel (1/3) - refer 4 times in bible, always sent to give important announcement

10.1.3. Michael (1/3) - Dan 10:13 & 21, Jude 9, Rev 12:9

11. #3 the Adamic Race

11.1. Bara - make something out of nothing

11.1.1. Gen 1:21 created sea creatures

11.1.2. Gen 1:27 God created human being in his own image Five unique features of Adam 1. fellowship with God 2. Had the nature of God 3. Had a purpose in life 4. was given Intelligent partnership 5. need for a mate The power of Choice - freewill (John 14:23) 3 elements 1. Permission 2. Prohibition 3. Warning Five results of Adam's fall 1. lost the divine nature 2. lost God'given authority 3. subject to demonic oppression and control 4. subject to hopelessness 5. subject to God's judgment

11.2. Asah - restoration

12. #4 the great exchange (part A)

13. #5 the great exchange (part b)