1. Teachings
1.1. Sant Mat
1.1.1. Inner Light and sound
1.1.2. Karma
1.1.3. Necessity of a living spiritual Master
1.1.4. Path of personal experience
1.2. Living the Path of Sant Mat
1.2.1. Positive mysticism
1.2.2. Seva
1.2.3. Veg diet Additional veg content
1.2.4. Ethical living/introspection
1.2.5. New node
2.1. Spiritual Master
2.1.1. An intro
2.1.2. The role -- quotes
2.1.3. Millions respond
2.1.4. The role -- text The Gateway--Spiritual Initiation
2.2. Global leader
2.2.1. Unity and Peace Interfaith
2.2.2. Darshan Academy
2.2.3. Service projects
2.3. Recognition and bio
2.3.1. Bestselling author
2.3.2. Awards and tributes
2.3.3. Bio
2.4. Happenings
2.4.1. Schedule
2.4.2. Recent events
2.5. Lineage
2.5.1. Sant Darshan Singh
2.5.2. Sant Kirpal Singh
2.5.3. Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
3. Contact Us
4. Meditation
4.1. Benefits of Meditation
4.2. Getting Started
4.2.1. Introductory Technique
4.3. The Spiritual Journey
4.4. FAQ
5. Community
5.1. A group near you
5.1.1. Local centers
5.2. International Centers
5.3. Organization
5.4. Regional Centers
5.4.1. Chicago Meditation Center
5.4.2. India Meditation Center
5.4.3. Vancouver Eco Meditation Center
5.4.4. Orlando Florida Meditation Center
5.4.5. Long Island Meditation Center
5.4.6. Pacific Northwest Meditation Center | Birch Bay
5.4.7. Bowling Green Meditation Center