Reliability & Validity

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Reliability & Validity by Mind Map: Reliability & Validity

1. Internal consistencey techniques serve useful purposes and are widely used but they do have limitations. Should only be used when assessing a single content item when the whole test has similar test items.( Kubiszyn & Borich 2010 p. 345)

2. Test-Retest

3. Internal Consistencey

4. Reliability

4.1. New node

5. Alternative Forms or Equivelance

6. split half methods

7. Kuder-Richardson methods

8. New node

9. A test that is aligned with its objectives would have evidence of content validity.( Kubiszyn & Borich 2010 P.330)

10. Predictive

11. Concurent

12. Content Validity

13. Validity

14. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

15. The reliability and validity of tests and scores are important in learning and assessment becasue decisions are made based off of the scores. If tests lack validity, then one can not be sure if the learning objectives were met. Reliability of scores are important because if scores are unreliable then the test would be invalid.