A Change in Attitude

Chapter 9 Topic - Change in Attitude

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A Change in Attitude by Mind Map: A Change in Attitude

1. The most difficult of the three changes measured in learner evaluation because of the subjectivity

2. Assessment Techniques

2.1. Anecdotal Records

2.1.1. Focused, narrative descriptions of an event

2.2. Interviews

2.2.1. Asking how someone feels about something

2.3. Questionnaires

2.3.1. Questions used to measure attitude

2.4. Surveys

2.4.1. Used to measure the strength of attitudes towards a topic

2.5. Observations

2.5.1. Making observations of behavior can allow you to infer attitudes towards things

2.6. Self-Reporting Inventories

2.6.1. Report directly on their own behavior

3. An attitude is "a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols" (Hogg & Vaughan 2005, p. 150)

3.1. In other words, attitudes are simply expressions of how much we like or dislike something!

4. Difficulty: Learners often provide the answer they think SHOULD be the right one. This is known as social-desirability responses and is a "common adjustment phenomenon in human behavior". (p. 154)

5. Components of Attitude (ABC's)

5.1. Cognitive -beliefs or knowledge influence on attitude

5.2. Behavioral -tendency to behave a certain way based on attitude

5.3. Affective -emotional feelings influence on attitude