2012 NM DA Can the court retroactively modify child support?

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2012 NM DA Can the court retroactively modify child support? により Mind Map: 2012 NM DA Can the court retroactively modify child support?

1. Statutes

2. Appeals Court Opinions

2.1. INGALLS v. INGALLS, 119 N.M. 85, 888 P.2d 967 (Ct. App. 1994)

2.1.1. November 14, 1994, Filed

2.1.2. 'We hold that parties may not, by private agreement, modify future child support obligations; rather, modification of future child support is a matter to be determined by the courts. See NMSA 1978 S 40-4-11.4 (Repl. Pamp. 1994)'

3. New Mexico Family Law Manual

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