Healthy Lifestyle: Case Based Learning in Wiki

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Healthy Lifestyle: Case Based Learning in Wiki by Mind Map: Healthy Lifestyle: Case Based Learning in Wiki

1. Starting page

1.1. Intructions for the course

1.2. Evaluation criteria

1.3. Contact information of the teacher

1.4. Names of the groups and list of participants of each group

1.5. Instructions on how to use the wiki site

1.5.1. written insturctions

1.5.2. demonstrating though a video clip how to use the site

2. Materials

2.1. links to useful websites

2.2. theory for the cases that the teacher has created

2.3. embeded You tube clips that will motive the students on finding information for the cases

3. Working spaces for the groups

3.1. Group 1: The teacher has posted the description of the case in the start of each groups working space and posted intructions on how to start working with the case

3.2. Group 2: Case

3.3. Group 3: Case

3.4. Group 4: Case

4. Questions and answers -page