by Sylvia Flores

1. Firefox
1.1. PROS
1.1.1. strong pop up blocker
1.1.2. 51.9% desktop browser share
1.2. CONS
1.2.1. a bit of a slow, bloated, resource hog
1.2.2. slow open process
2. Safari
2.1. PROS
2.1.1. lovely new-tab page view of your most-visited sites
2.1.2. Safari is very pretty, especially on Mac OS X Lion
2.2. CONS
2.2.1. 5th rank in webpage loading
2.2.2. weak download manager
3. Google Chrome
3.1. PROS
3.1.1. screamingly fast!
3.1.2. more usable
3.2. CONS
3.2.1. no bookmark button
3.2.2. New node
4. Explorer
4.1. PROS
4.1.1. most popular browser on the marke
4.1.2. works flawlessly on Win 7 Professional.
4.2. CONS
4.2.1. latest version IE9 is far improved from previous versions
4.2.2. slow browser
5. Opera
5.1. PROS
5.1.1. Opera still opens up Pages a LOT faster then Chrome
5.1.2. fast,definately more secure
5.2. CONS
5.2.1. No parental controls
5.2.2. No website pinning capability