Six-Figure Copywriting

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Six-Figure Copywriting by Mind Map: Six-Figure Copywriting

1. Module 1: Introduction

1.1. What is Copywriting

1.2. Types of Copywriting

1.3. Skills Required for Copywriting

1.4. How to Create Customer Avatar

2. Module 2: Copywriting Fundamentals

2.1. Write Like You Speak

2.2. Focus on the customers

2.3. WIIFM

3. Module 3: Headlines that Work

3.1. How to Write Compelling Headlines

3.2. Headlines Templates

4. Module 4: Call to Actions

4.1. How to Write Irresistible Call to Actions

4.2. Examples of Great Call to Actions

5. Module 5: Copywriting Styles & Formulas

5.1. AIDA

5.2. PAS

5.3. BAB

6. Module 6: Features Vs Benefits

6.1. Differences Between Features & Benefits

6.2. How to convert features into Benefits

6.3. Benefits of the Benefit

6.4. The Ladder of Abstraction

7. Module 7: Persuasion Strategies

7.1. Qualifying Prospects

7.2. Framing

7.3. Establishing Authority

8. Module 8: Types of Copywriting Explained

8.1. Email/Direct Response Copywriting

8.2. Sales Copywriting

8.3. Web & SEO Copywriting

8.4. Technical Copywriting

9. Copywriting Resources, Favourite Tools & Bonuses

9.1. Bonus 1

9.2. Bonus 2

9.3. Bonus 3