by Caoutar Amsih

1. Lorenzo
1.1. A friend of Bassanio and Antonio
1.2. Jessica's love
2. Jessica
2.1. Shylock’s daughter
2.2. Lorenzo's love
2.3. She hates life in her father’s house, and elopes with the young Christian gentleman, Lorenzo
2.4. Disinherited
3. Shylock
3.1. A Jewish moneylender
3.2. One of Shakespeare’s most memorable characters.
3.3. "pound of flesh"
4. Salarino
4.1. Venetian gentleman, and friend to Antonio, Bassanio, and Lorenzo
5. Duke
5.1. The ruler of Venice
5.2. He presides over Antonio’s trial, and he is unable to help Antonio
6. Portia
6.1. A beautiful wealthy heiress from Belmont
6.2. Bassiano's love
7. Balthasar
7.1. Portia’s servant
8. Doctor Ballerio
8.1. Portia’s cousin
8.2. He never appears in the play, but he gives Portia’s servant the letters of introduction needed for her to make her appearance in court.
9. Portia's father
9.1. The prince of Morocco
9.1.1. gold chest
9.2. The prince of Arragon
9.2.1. silver casket