What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
by Bilbo Baggins
1. Our lecturer gave us guidance through some of the lesson and helped us if we got particularly stuck. I already had some experience with Photoshop as I do Photography AS level so we use that program a lot which helped greatly when it came to adjusting exposure, brightness, colour balance, and cropping.
2. Creating the place where I was going to put my portfolio was one of the most challenging aspects of this task, but also one of the most enjoyable. I had two options, a Blogger Blog, or a website created on Weebly, a free website designer and creator. Though I already had created a blog so had experience I thought that I could really show off my creative side on a website. I had no idea what I was doing but the tutorial and through trial and error I managed to understand and create my website. When it came to adding PowerPoint’s and video to my website, I just used my slide share and my Xtranormal account and the embed files to get them working on the webpages. I did not have trouble gathering people for my photo-shoot as I am capable with Facebook, mobile phones, and email, though I used face for the initial message
3. When it came to the production I learnt a lot of new things which I wouldn’t have otherwise learnt. Now in post-production, I have realised the contrast between the amount of expertise I have gained through the main task and put forward into the evaluation and the ways I have use my past understanding and new understanding to create a realistic magazine.
4. The Lasso tool
5. InDesign
6. Dafont.com
7. Photoshop
8. I think that now I know how to use these programs I was able to be more creative and experimental towards my production.
9. I found the cropping skills like ‘lasso’ and ‘magic wand’ particularly useful for the cover page, shaping body copies for my double page spread, and text effects for the contents page
10. Throughout my two tasks I have learnt about many new technologies such as InDesign, Photoshop, and Dafont. My preliminary task was a good learning curve and helped me understand InDesign; the program that I made my magazine on.