The eLearning and Design team (6 Elearning Advisors + 2 Graphic Designers)

What we do - an overview

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The eLearning and Design team (6 Elearning Advisors + 2 Graphic Designers) by Mind Map: The eLearning and Design team  (6 Elearning Advisors + 2 Graphic Designers)

1. Community Engagement and Benchmarking

1.1. Committees and working groups

1.1.1. FLC, Webreps, DAIP, Copyright liaison

1.2. Established Curtin communities

1.2.1. Elearning Reps (ELREPS)

1.2.2. iPad user group

1.3. Benchmarking with ATN and other unis

1.4. Projects

1.4.1. Transnational Education (TNE)

1.4.2. Rheumatoid arthritis

2. PD Resources

2.1. CTL website (for STAFF)

2.1.1. T&L Resources

2.1.2. Student engagement guidelines

2.1.3. LTS support and guidelines

2.1.4. Showcase area

2.2. Elearn website (for STUDENTS)

2.3. Publications

2.3.1. T&L Handbook

2.3.2. Tip sheets / Flyers

2.3.3. T&L Resources

2.4. Newsletters/PD Blog (30+)

2.5. Content curation (

3. Professional Development

3.1. Staff workshops

3.2. Online teaching and learning advice (university wide)

3.3. Video production and support (video studio, Echo 360)

4. Graphic, Multimedia & Web Design

4.1. Wide range of T&L Resources

4.1.1. Print publications (flyers, posters, books)

4.1.2. Illustrations and photographs

4.1.3. Web resources (online units, banners, ppt, word, PDFs)

4.1.4. Educational animations

4.1.5. Conference presentations

4.2. Projects

4.3. Websites

4.4. Teaching award applications

5. 1.2 Optimise performance and innovation

6. 1.1 Improve leadership and accountability

7. Course Quality

7.1. Surveys and survey analysis (CASS, OUA)

7.2. Responding to faculty requests

7.3. Open Universities Australia (OUA) program development and review

8. eLearning Innovation

8.1. Evaluation of new learning technologies (ie Hotseat)

8.2. Anticipating trends and shifts in future innovations (ie Content curation)

8.2.1. Publicising potential delopment in Higher Ed

8.3. Business cases

8.4. Piloting and Testing

9. 2.1 Improve the quality of the learning experience

10. Research

10.1. Escholars Program

10.1.1. Publication

10.1.2. Video case studies

10.2. Research, conferences, Curtin presentations

11. 1.4 Improve the quality of the university environment