1. Students will learn how to properly format business documents.
1.1. E-mail
1.1.1. 1. Put name of person you are sending to first
1.1.2. 2. You name is the last thing on the bottom
1.1.3. 3. Everything aligned on left side of page
1.1.4. 4. Double space between paragraphs
1.1.5. 5. Don't type the date: it appears automatically
1.1.6. Emails can be used for sending quick messages to people in other businesses, people within the business, or to friends
1.2. Report
1.2.1. 1. 1 in. side margins
1.2.2. 2. Double space entire report
1.2.3. 3. Use half-inch hanging indent on Works Cited
1.2.4. 4. Works Cited should be capitalized and on a new page
1.2.5. 5. Insert page numbers in top right (Dahm 1, Dahm 2, etc.)
1.2.6. Use a report to convey information on a particular subject (usually for classes)
1.3. Memo
1.3.1. 1. 2 in. top margin
1.3.2. 2. 1 in. side margins
1.3.3. 3. Double space between "TO," "FROM," "DATE," and "SUBJECT"
1.3.4. 4. Double space between paragraphs
1.3.5. 5. Align everything on the left side of the page
1.3.6. Memos are used to send short messages to others who are usually within the company
1.4. Letter
1.4.1. 1. 2 in. top margin
1.4.2. 2. 1 in. side margins
1.4.3. 3. Quadruple space between date and letter address
1.4.4. 4. Double space between all paragraphs
1.4.5. 5. Quadruple space between "Sincerely" and name of writer
1.4.6. You use business letter when you need to send information from yourself to a business or from one business to another
2. Students will be able to demonstrate proper reach, technique and hand placement in order to achieve higher speed and accuracy.
2.1. Speed
2.1.1. First Score: 17 GWAM
2.1.2. Second Score: 29 GWAM
2.1.3. Final Score: 34 GWAM
2.2. Accuracy
2.2.1. First Score: 94%
2.2.2. Final Score: 96%
2.3. Proper Technique
2.3.1. 1. Sit up straight in the chair
2.3.2. 2. Keep the keyboard near the edge of the table
2.3.3. 3. Feet flat on the floor
2.3.4. 4. Strike the keys quickly
2.3.5. 5. Keep fingers on home row at all times
2.3.6. 6. Keep eyes on the copy