English Contents

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English Contents by Mind Map: English Contents

1. Topic 4

1.1. Verb Have

1.1.1. (I, you, we, they) have/don´t have. (He, she it) has/doesn´t have.

1.2. Asking with Verb Have

1.2.1. Do (I, you, we, they) have...? Yes, (I, you, we, they) do. / No, (I, you, we, they) don´t. Does (He, she, it) have...? Yes, (He, she, it) does. / No, (He, she, it) doesn´t.

1.3. Possessive´s

1.3.1. A way to show possession is to add an apostrophe (´) + s to a singular noun or name. Ex. My cat´s ears.

1.4. Vocabulary

1.4.1. Family, pets, parts of the face, hair adjectives, age adjectives.

2. Topic 5

2.1. Abilities: Can/Can´t

2.1.1. Can and the negative form can´t indicate ability. Ex. I can swim. Penguins can´t fly.

2.2. Questions with can

2.2.1. Can you count? - Yes, I can. / No, I can´t. Question word: What. - What can you do? I can read and write.

2.3. Vocabulary

2.3.1. Body parts, animals, verbs: climb, drink, fly, jump, run, swim, think; adverbs: far, fast, high, well; sense verbs.

3. Topic 6

3.1. Preference Verbs

3.1.1. Verb: like or negative form: don´t like. For greater intensity: love or hate. Questions and short answers: Do you like dominoes? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.

3.2. Imperatives

3.2.1. Used to give instructions or rules. Ex. Pull the rope. Negative form: begins with don´t. Ex. Don´t let go!

3.3. Object pronouns

3.3.1. Used for the direct or indirect object of the sentence or the object of a prepositon. "it" and "Them". Ex. Throw the ball. Catch it. Run around the cones. Don´t touch them. Singular: It. Plural: Them.

3.4. Vocabulary

3.4.1. Games, love, like, don´t like, hate; action verbs: catch, hop, jump, move, pull, run, throw, toss, win.

4. Topic 1

4.1. The Verb Be (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they). I am, you are, he, she it is, we, you they are.

4.1.1. Negative Form: I´m not, You´re not, He´s not, We´re not. They´re not.

4.2. Adjectives

4.2.1. big, creative, different, friendly, funny, loud, nervous, popular, quiet, smal, smart, strong, tall.

4.3. Possessive Adjectives

4.3.1. My, your, her, his, its, our, their

5. Topic 2

5.1. Articles A, An

5.1.1. Use "an" before words that start with vowels and "a" for words that start with other letters.

5.2. Questions with "Be"

5.2.1. Am I...? Are you...? Is he/she/it...? Are we...? Are they...?

5.3. Plural Nouns

5.3.1. Add -s- for most words: balls, toys, yoyos. Add -es- for words that end in "s, ss, ch, sh, x" and sometimes o: buses, dresses, peaches, tomatoes.

5.4. Vocabulary

5.4.1. Clothes, colors, food, toys, sports.

6. Topic 3

6.1. There is/There are

6.1.1. Singular: There is/There´s - There is a playground. Plural: There are - There are stores. Negative: There isn´t a hospital. Plural negative: Include the word any - There aren´t any houses.

6.2. Asking with Is/Are there?

6.2.1. Singular: Is there a table? Plural: Are there any windows?

6.3. Asking about Quantity

6.3.1. How many... are there? Ex. How many bedrooms are there? There is one bedroom. Negative: There aren´t any bedrooms.

6.4. Vocabulary

6.4.1. Places, prepositions, furniture, rooms.