Ways to speed up Presta Shop website load

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Ways to speed up Presta Shop website load by Mind Map: Ways to speed up Presta Shop website  load

1. Tips for Optimization

1.1. http://www.prestashop.com/en/top-tips

2. Performance Settings for PrestaShop Version 1.4

2.1. http://www.prestatraining.com/performance-settings-for-prestashop-version-1-4/

3. Speed up PrestaShop Add On

3.1. http://prestashop-addons.codingmall.com/prestashop/13-addons/132-speed-up-prestashop

4. Reason why loading slow

4.1. http://neverdc.com/how-to/prestashop-is-loading-slow-how-to-improve-the-speed-and-performance

5. PrestaShop Optimization Tutorial

5.1. http://www.hostknox.com/tutorials/prestashop/optimization

6. Another solution: CloudCache

6.1. http://addons.prestashop.com/en/content-management/5094-cloudcache.html