1. Professional Development
1.1. Training Retreats
1.2. Mentor Teachers
1.3. District-wide Training
1.4. CECs
1.5. Staff Led, In-house Sessions 2X per month
2. $$$
2.1. Funding
2.1.1. State - 41%
2.1.2. Local - 42%
2.1.3. Federal & Private Sources - 17%
2.2. Budget
2.2.1. Teachers and Instructional Assistants - 70%
2.2.2. Administration - 12%
2.2.3. Support Services - 11%
2.2.4. Transportation - 4%
2.2.5. Food Services - 3%
3. 21st Century Skills
3.1. Collaboration
3.2. Cooperation
3.3. Critical Thinking
3.4. Communication
3.5. Creativity
3.6. Organization
3.7. Self Direction
3.8. Social Responsibility
3.9. Technology Fluency
4. Collective Responsibility
4.1. High Expectations
4.2. Mutual Respect
4.3. Open Communcation
5. References
6. Curriculum
6.1. Thematic Approach
6.2. Cross Disciplinary Relationships Emphasized
7. Assessment
7.1. Students
7.1.1. Self reflection/journaling
7.1.2. Group & individual projects
7.1.3. Portfolios
7.1.4. Testing
7.1.5. Observation
7.2. Teachers
7.2.1. Quarterly self-reflection
7.2.2. Anonymous feedback from peers
7.2.3. Observation
7.2.4. Annual evaluations
8. Technology
8.1. Applied to real life problems
8.2. Integrated
9. Learning Environment
9.1. Building Design
9.1.1. Based on the Neuroscience of Learning
9.1.2. Student safety
9.1.3. Multi-age/grade pods
9.2. Classrooms
9.2.1. Centered around common areas
9.2.2. Designed for dynamic regrouping
9.2.3. No assigned seating
9.2.4. Easily portable supplies for each child
10. Instruction
10.1. Student Centered
10.2. Constructivism
10.3. Project Based Learning
10.4. Strategic Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping Strategies
10.5. Differentiation
10.6. Team Teaching
10.6.1. Frequent grouping/regrouping across grade level.
10.6.2. Teachers matched with groups that they are most adept at teaching.