Chapter 3 Class XII

Chapter 3 - Meeting Life Challenges Class XII Psychology

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Chapter 3 Class XII by Mind Map: Chapter 3 Class XII

1. Symptoms of Stress

1.1. Physical

1.1.1. Emotional Cognitive

2. Types of Stress

2.1. Environmental & Physical

2.1.1. Psychological Social Break up, misunderstanding, illness in the family, bad neighbours etc. Sources - Frustration, Conflict, Internal Pressure, External Pressure

2.1.2. Pollution, heat, noise, crowding etc.

2.1.3. injury, exhaustion, bad nutrition etc

3. Cognitive Theory of Stress

3.1. Primary Appraisal

3.1.1. Positive, Negative, Neutral

3.1.2. Harm Threat Challenge

3.2. Secondary Appraisal

3.2.1. Coping Abilities Resources

4. Stress & Health

4.1. GAS Model

4.1.1. Hans Selye, Alarm Reaction Stage, Resistance Stage & Exhaustion Stage Alarm Reaction Stage - ANS, Pituitary system - Flight or fight Resistance Stage - PNS - Cautious use of body's resources to deal with the stressful situation Exhaustion - Burnout, CHD, BP etc.

4.2. Stress & Immunity

4.2.1. Psychoneuroimmunology Stress reduces killer cell cytotoxicity Stress reduces immunity in the body

4.2.2. Prolonged effect of stress hormone - weakened digestion, enlarged lung passages, constricted blood vessels

4.3. Burnout

4.3.1. Complete state of PEP exhaustion after prolonged chronic stress

4.4. Lifestyle

4.4.1. Stress may lead to unhealthy lifestyle like no exercise, poor nutrition, addictions, abuse of drugs, smoking & other health impairing behaviors

5. Coping Strategies

5.1. Endler & Parker

5.1.1. Task Oriented

5.1.2. Avoidance Oriented

5.1.3. Emotion Oriented

5.2. Lazarus & Folkman

5.2.1. Problem Focused

5.2.2. Emotion Focused

6. Promoting positive health & well being

6.1. Stress Resistant Personality by Kobasa , Hardiness & Cs

6.1.1. Commitment

6.1.2. Control

6.1.3. Challenge

6.2. Life Skills

6.2.1. Assertiveness Calm, composed, confident communication of things that matter to you Ability to say no Ability to take up for yourself

6.2.2. Time Management Prioritizing Planning Spending precious time doing things that will add value to your life

6.2.3. Self Care Healthy & Relaxed

6.2.4. Improving Relationships

6.2.5. Rational Thinking Distorted thinking leads to stress Challenge your negative thoughts , replace irrational beliefs, drive out negativity to make way for positivity

6.2.6. Overcoming unhelpful habits Perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination

6.3. Stress buffers for positive health

6.3.1. Diet

6.3.2. Exercise

6.3.3. Social Support Information Support Tangible Support Emotional Support

6.3.4. Positive Attitude

6.3.5. Positive thinking

6.4. Positive Health - Complete physical, mental, social & spiritual well being

6.4.1. Healthy Body

6.4.2. High quality of personal relationships

6.4.3. Sense of Purpose

6.4.4. Self Regard

6.4.5. Mastery of life's tasks

6.4.6. Resilience to stress, trauma, change

6.4.7. Physical,

7. What is stress

7.1. Transactional Cognitive State

7.2. Subjective Interpretation of an event

8. Kinds of Stress

8.1. Eustress the good stress

8.1.1. Distress The bad stress

9. Sources of Stress

9.1. Life Events

9.1.1. Posting, change of city, change of house, school etc.

9.2. Hassles

9.2.1. Daily hassles of life like traffic, water & power shortage etc.

9.3. Traumatic Events

9.3.1. Death of a loved one, natural disasters like floods, earthquake etc.

10. Effects of Stress

10.1. Physiological Effects

10.1.1. ANS Stress Hormones like Epinephrine & Nor Epinephrine Pituitary Glands secreting Cortisol

10.1.2. PNS

10.2. Emotional Effects

10.2.1. Worry, anxiety, mood swings, depression, hopelessness etc.

10.3. Cognitive Effects

10.3.1. Lack of concentration, focus, inability to take decisions etc.

10.4. Behavioral Effects

10.4.1. Too much or too less sleep, too much or too less food, absenteeism, lowering of work standards and performance etc.

11. Stress Management Techniques

11.1. Relaxation

11.1.1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation through deep breathing

11.2. Meditation

11.2.1. Refocusing attention

11.2.2. Altered states of consciousness

11.3. Biofeedback

11.3.1. Taking feedback about body's physiological responses when under stress, using the feedback to control physiological responses in quiet conditions, transferring this control to a stressful situation

11.4. Creative Visualisation

11.4.1. Using imagery and imagination

11.5. CBT

11.5.1. Replacement of negative & irrational thoughts with rational ones

11.6. Exercise

11.6.1. at least 4 times a week for 30 mins each session to include warm up, exercise, cool down

11.6.2. Cycling, walking, swimming, yoga, aerobics, dance etc.

11.6.3. Has many benefits for overall health & well being

11.6.4. Helps provide an outlet for extra energy during stress