Group Project

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Group Project by Mind Map: Group Project

1. 1. Identify Roles

1.1. Project Leader

1.1.1. Keep Group On Task

1.1.2. Lead Presentation

1.1.3. Ensure Tasks are Evenly Divided

1.2. Project Secretary

1.2.1. Compile Information Gathered by Group Members

1.3. Project TimeKeeper

1.3.1. Ensure All Tasks are Completed on Time

1.3.2. Create Project Timeline for Group

1.4. Presentation Support

1.4.1. Evenly Divide Roles for Presentation

1.4.2. Organize/Communicate Final Details of Presentation

1.5. Researcher

1.5.1. Head the Reserach

1.5.2. Assign Research Tasks to Group Members

2. 2. Divide and Do Individual Research at Home

3. Project Information

3.1. See Rubric on the Class Website

4. Proposal Requirements

4.1. Create a Proposal

4.1.1. An Art Project for the Class to Complete Must be Temporary and/or Collaborative May be a Performance Piece, Painting, Mural, Collage, Sculpture, etc. Must Relate to the Environment See Resource Link on the Class Website for Ideas ( Proposal Must be Unique and Not a Copy of Something That Has Already Been Done)

4.1.2. 3 to 4 Page Typed Description

4.2. Present Proposal to the Class

4.2.1. Power Point/Prezi

4.2.2. Poster

4.2.3. Oral Presentation

4.2.4. Skit

4.2.5. Video

4.2.6. More Than One Of The Above Presentations Recommended ( i.e a Prezi and a Poster)

4.3. Evenly Distribute and Identify Tasks Across Group

4.3.1. Each Individual Member Will Turn in a One Page Paper Describing Their Contribution

5. 3. Create a Task Timeline

5.1. Plan When Tasks Should Be Completed

5.2. Along with Class Meeting Times, Plan Time and Ways to Communicate

5.2.1. Meet in Library

5.2.2. Meet at Lunch

5.2.3. Chat Via Skype From Home

5.2.4. Communicate Via Email