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A look into Unity3D создатель Mind Map: A look into Unity3D

1. Limitations

1.1. Free version limitation

1.2. Hard to use with revision control software

1.2.1. ex Git hub, SVN

1.3. Relatively big exe that contains all unity required framework

1.3.1. this is a problem for handheld devices

1.4. Sluggish UI tools

1.5. if while debugging the code enters infinite loop, the only way to stop it is end task

2. Unity Features

2.1. Engine

2.1.1. Rendering

2.1.2. Lighting

2.1.3. Terrain

2.1.4. Physics

2.1.5. Pathfinding

2.1.6. Audio

2.1.7. Programming integrated IDE debugging

2.1.8. Networking

2.2. Editor

2.2.1. What can the editor do

2.2.2. How is a scene built

2.2.3. Importing assets

2.2.4. supported formats lots of them Easy to import

2.2.5. Shuriken particle editor

2.3. Publishing

2.3.1. Desktop windows os Mac os web browser integration through unity player I explorer Chrome firefox Safari

2.3.2. Consoles PS3 Xbox360 Wii

2.3.3. Handheld iOS Android

3. Conclusion

3.1. Well rounded application

3.2. lots of features

3.3. recomanded for indie developers

3.3.1. The free version is free for commercial use as long as you can overcome the included limitations

3.4. properly documented api with included examples

3.5. Great community

3.5.1. official forum

3.5.2. unity answers

4. Resources

4.1. http://www.unity3d.com/ - Official web page

5. What is Unity3D

5.1. Short description

5.2. Made up of Engine & Editor

5.3. ease of use

5.4. short learning curve

5.5. Who is it for

5.5.1. Explain the two licences

5.5.2. Where will the game be deployed

5.6. What can it do

5.6.1. game creator

5.6.2. integrated editor

5.7. What can't it do

5.7.1. requires programming knowledge

6. Abstract

7. Introduction

7.1. Short game history

7.1.1. first game

7.1.2. how the market grew

7.1.3. impact on population

7.1.4. games today

7.2. game industry info

7.2.1. huge economical power (give nr examples)

7.2.2. high development time

7.2.3. studios have inbred tools and engines

7.2.4. large studios shadow indie ones

7.3. history of unity

7.3.1. Inventor(s)

7.3.2. year

7.3.3. how it evolved across the years